from typing import Set, Union
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from import ProteinBatch
from import Batch
from proteinworkshop.models.graph_encoders.layers.egnn import EGNNLayer
from proteinworkshop.models.utils import get_aggregation
from proteinworkshop.types import EncoderOutput
class EGNNModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(
num_layers: int = 5,
emb_dim: int = 128,
activation: str = "relu",
norm: str = "layer",
aggr: str = "mean",
pool: str = "mean",
residual: bool = True,
dropout: float = 0.1,
"""E(n) Equivariant GNN model
Instantiates an instance of the EGNNModel class with the provided
:param num_layers: Number of message passing layers, defaults to ``5``
:type num_layers: int, optional
:param emb_dim: Dimension of the node embeddings, defaults to ``128``
:type emb_dim: int, optional
:param activation: Activation function to use, defaults to ``"relu"``
:type activation: str, optional
:param norm: Normalisation layer to use, defaults to ``"layer"``
:type norm: str, optional
:param aggr: Aggregation function to use, defaults to ``"mean"``
:type aggr: str, optional
:param pool: Pooling operation to use, defaults to ``"mean"``
:type pool: str, optional
:param residual: Whether to use residual connections, defaults to
:type residual: bool, optional
:param dropout: Dropout rate, defaults to ``0.1``
:type dropout: float, optional
# Embedding lookup for initial node features
self.emb_in = torch.nn.LazyLinear(emb_dim)
# Stack of GNN layers
self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList()
for _ in range(num_layers):
self.convs.append(EGNNLayer(emb_dim, activation, norm, aggr, dropout))
# Global pooling/readout function
self.pool = get_aggregation(pool)
self.residual = residual
def required_batch_attributes(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Required batch attributes for this encoder.
- ``x``: Node features (shape: :math:`(n, d)`)
- ``pos``: Node positions (shape: :math:`(n, 3)`)
- ``edge_index``: Edge indices (shape: :math:`(2, e)`)
- ``batch``: Batch indices (shape: :math:`(n,)`)
:return: Set of required batch attributes
:rtype: Set[str]
return {"x", "pos", "edge_index", "batch"}
def forward(self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]) -> EncoderOutput:
"""Implements the forward pass of the EGNN encoder.
Returns the node embedding and graph embedding in a dictionary.
:param batch: Batch of data to encode.
:type batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]
:return: Dictionary of node and graph embeddings. Contains
``node_embedding`` and ``graph_embedding`` fields. The node
embedding is of shape :math:`(|V|, d)` and the graph embedding is
of shape :math:`(n, d)`, where :math:`|V|` is the number of nodes
and :math:`n` is the number of graphs in the batch and :math:`d` is
the dimension of the embeddings.
:rtype: EncoderOutput
h = self.emb_in(batch.x) # (n,) -> (n, d)
pos = batch.pos # (n, 3)
for conv in self.convs:
# Message passing layer
h_update, pos_update = conv(h, pos, batch.edge_index)
# Update node features (n, d) -> (n, d)
h = h + h_update if self.residual else h_update
# Update node coordinates (n, 3) -> (n, 3)
pos = pos + pos_update if self.residual else pos_update
return EncoderOutput(
"node_embedding": h,
"graph_embedding": self.pool(
h, batch.batch
), # (n, d) -> (batch_size, d)
"pos": pos, # Position
if __name__ == "__main__":
import hydra
import omegaconf
from proteinworkshop import constants
cfg = omegaconf.OmegaConf.load(
constants.SRC_PATH / "config" / "encoder" / "egnn.yaml"
enc = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg)