- model_checkpoint.yaml
- early_stopping.yaml
- model_summary.yaml
- rich_progress_bar.yaml
- learning_rate_monitor.yaml
- stop_on_nan.yaml
- _self_
dirpath: ${env.paths.output_dir}/checkpoints
filename: "epoch_{epoch:03d}"
save_last: True
auto_insert_metric_name: False
max_depth: -1
Early Stopping (early_stopping
# Monitor a metric and stop training when it stops improving.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information.
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping
monitor: ??? # quantity to be monitored, must be specified !!!
min_delta: 0. # minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement
patience: 10 # number of checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped
verbose: True # verbosity mode
mode: "min" # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min"
strict: True # whether to crash the training if monitor is not found in the validation metrics
check_finite: True # when set True, stops training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite
stopping_threshold: null # stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold
divergence_threshold: null # stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold
check_on_train_epoch_end: False # whether to run early stopping at the end of the training epoch
# log_rank_zero_only: False # this keyword argument isn't available in stable version
Checkpointing (model_checkpoint
# Save the model periodically by monitoring a quantity.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information.
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
dirpath: null # directory to save the model file
filename: null # checkpoint filename
monitor: null # name of the logged metric which determines when model is improving
verbose: True # verbosity mode
save_last: null # additionally always save an exact copy of the last checkpoint to a file last.ckpt
save_top_k: 1 # save k best models (determined by above metric)
mode: "min" # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min"
auto_insert_metric_name: True # when True, the checkpoints filenames will contain the metric name
save_weights_only: False # if True, then only the model’s weights will be saved
every_n_train_steps: null # number of training steps between checkpoints
train_time_interval: null # checkpoints are monitored at the specified time interval
every_n_epochs: null # number of epochs between checkpoints
save_on_train_epoch_end: null # whether to run checkpointing at the end of the training epoch or the end of validation
Stop on NaN (stop_on_nan
# Monitor a metric and stop training when it stops improving.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information.
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.EarlyStopping
monitor: train/loss/total # quantity to be monitored, must be specified !!!
min_delta: 0. # minimum change in the monitored quantity to qualify as an improvement
patience: 10_000_000 # number of checks with no improvement after which training will be stopped
verbose: True # verbosity mode
mode: "min" # "max" means higher metric value is better, can be also "min"
strict: True # whether to crash the training if monitor is not found in the validation metrics
check_finite: True # when set True, stops training when the monitor becomes NaN or infinite
stopping_threshold: null # stop training immediately once the monitored quantity reaches this threshold
divergence_threshold: null # stop training as soon as the monitored quantity becomes worse than this threshold
check_on_train_epoch_end: null # whether to run early stopping at the end of the training epoch
# log_rank_zero_only: False # this keyword argument isn't available in stable version
Exponential Moving Average (ema
# Maintains an exponential moving average (EMA) of model weights.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information regarding the original implementation.
_target_: proteinworkshop.utils.EMA
decay: 0.9999 # weight decay factor for the EMA
apply_ema_every_n_steps: 1 # after how many steps to apply the EMA
start_step: 0 # when to start the EMA
save_ema_weights_in_callback_state: true # whether to store the EMA weights in the corresponding `LightningModule`'s `callback` state
evaluate_ema_weights_instead: true # whether to perform e.g., validation or testing using the EMA weights instead of the original weights
Model Summary (model_summary
# Generates a summary of all layers in a LightningModule with rich text formatting.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information.
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.RichModelSummary
max_depth: 1 # the maximum depth of layer nesting that the summary will include
Rich Progress Bar (rich_progress_bar
# Create a progress bar with rich text formatting.
# Look at the above link for more detailed information.
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.RichProgressBar
Learning Rate Monitor (learning_rate_monitor
This is automatically configured when using a learning rate scheduler. See Schedulers
_target_: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.LearningRateMonitor