Contains project-level constants used to configure paths and wandb logging.
Paths are configured using the .env file in the project root.
- proteinworkshop.constants.DATA_PATH = '/Users/jamasba/github/ProteinWorkshop/proteinworkshop/data'#
Root path to the data directory.
- proteinworkshop.constants.FOLDCOMP_DATASET_NAMES = ['afdb_rep_v4', 'afdb_rep_dark_v4', 'afdb_swissprot', 'afdb_swissprot_v4', 'afdb_uniprot_v4', 'esmatlas', 'highquality_clust30', 'a_thaliana', 'c_albicans', 'c_elegans', 'd_discoideum', 'd_melanogaster', 'd_rerio', 'e_coli', 'g_max', 'h_sapiens', 'm_jannaschii', 'm_musculus', 'o_sativa', 'r_norvegicus', 's_cerevisiae', 's_pombe', 'z_mays']#
// For an up-to-date list of all datsets see
- Type:
List of available foldcomp datasets for download. For documentation see https
- proteinworkshop.constants.PROJECT_PATH = Path('/Users/jamasba/github/ProteinWorkshop')#
Path to the project root.
- proteinworkshop.constants.SRC_PATH = Path('/Users/jamasba/github/ProteinWorkshop/proteinworkshop')#
Path to the project source code.
- proteinworkshop.constants.WANDB_API_KEY = None#
API key for wandb.
- proteinworkshop.constants.WANDB_ENTITY = None#
Entity for wandb logging.
- proteinworkshop.constants.WANDB_PROJECT = None#
Project name for wandb logging.
- proteinworkshop.constants.ZENODO_DATASET_NAMES = ['antibody_developability', 'cath', 'ccpdb', 'ccpdb_ligands', 'ccpdb_metal', 'ccpdb_nucleic', 'ccpdb_nucleotides', 'deep_sea_proteins', 'ec_reaction', 'fold_classification', 'fold_fold', 'fold_family', 'fold_superfamily', 'go-bp', 'go-cc', 'go-mf', 'masif_site', 'metal_3d', 'ptm']#
List of pre-processed datasets for proteinworkshop available on Zenodo. For documentation see