Source code for proteinworkshop.models.base

import abc
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Set, Union

import hydra
import lightning as L
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from beartype import beartype as typechecker
from graphein.protein.tensor.angles import dihedrals
from import ProteinBatch, get_random_protein
from loguru import logger
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from import Batch
from torch_geometric.utils import to_dense_batch

from proteinworkshop.models.utils import get_loss
from proteinworkshop.types import EncoderOutput, Label, ModelOutput

[docs] class BaseModel(L.LightningModule, abc.ABC): config: DictConfig featuriser: nn.Module losses: Dict[str, Callable] task_transform: Optional[Callable] metric_names: List[str]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def forward(self, batch: Batch) -> torch.Tensor: """Implement forward pass of model. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :return: Model output. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def training_step( self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Implement training step. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: torch.Tensor :return: Return loss. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validation_step( self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Implement validation step. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: torch.Tensor :return: Return loss. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def test_step(self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Implement test step. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: torch.Tensor :return: Return loss. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ ...
[docs] def featurise( self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] ) -> Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]: """Applies the featuriser (``self.featuriser``) to a batch of data. .. seealso:: :py:class:proteinworkshop.features.factory.ProteinFeaturiser :param batch: Batch of data :type batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] :return: Featurised batch :rtype: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] """ out = self.featuriser(batch) if self.task_transform is not None: out = self.task_transform(out) return out
[docs] def get_labels(self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]) -> Label: """ Computes or retrieves labels from a batch of data. Labels are returned as a dictionary of tensors indexed by output name. :param batch: Batch of data to compute labels for :type batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] :return: Dictionary of labels indexed by output name :rtype: Label """ labels: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} for output in self.config.task.supervise_on: if output == "node_label": labels["node_label"] = batch.node_y if isinstance( self.losses["node_label"], torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss ): labels["node_label"] = F.one_hot( labels["node_label"], num_classes=self.config.dataset.num_classes, ).float() elif output == "graph_label": labels["graph_label"] = batch.graph_y if ( isinstance( self.losses["graph_label"], torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss ) and batch.graph_y.ndim == 1 ): labels["graph_label"] = F.one_hot( labels["graph_label"], num_classes=self.config.dataset.num_classes, ).float() elif output == "dihedrals": # If we have dihedral labels in the batch, use those # These will have been stored by the torsional denoising # transform if hasattr(batch, "true_dihedrals"): labels["dihedrals"] = batch.true_dihedrals # If we have stored uncorrupted coords, use those to compute elif hasattr(batch, "coords_uncorrupted"): labels["dihedrals"] = dihedrals( batch.coords_uncorrupted, batch.batch, rad=True, embed=True, ) # Otherwise, compute dihedrals from the batch coordinates else: labels["dihedrals"] = dihedrals( batch.coords, batch.batch, rad=True, embed=True ) elif output == "torsional_noise": labels["torsional_noise"] = batch.torsional_noise elif output == "residue_type": # If we have stored uncorrupted labels, use those if hasattr(batch, "residue_type_uncorrupted"): labels["residue_type"] = batch.residue_type_uncorrupted # Otherwise, use residue types else: labels["residue_type"] = batch.residue_type # If we have stored a mask, apply it if hasattr(batch, "sequence_corruption_mask"): labels["residue_type"] = labels["residue_type"][ batch.sequence_corruption_mask ] elif output == "pos": labels["pos"] = batch.noise[ :, 1, : ] # TODO this is hardcoded to only handle CA elif output == "edge_distance": labels["edge_distance"] = batch.edge_distance_labels elif output in {"b_factor", "plddt"}: labels["b_factor"] = batch.b_factor return Label(labels)
[docs] @typechecker def compute_loss( self, y_hat: ModelOutput, y: Label ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Compute loss by iterating over all outputs. In the case of multiple losses, the total loss is also included in the output dictionary of losses. :param y_hat: Output of model. This should be a dictionary of outputs (torch.Tensor) indexed by the output name (str) :type y_hat: ModelOutput :param y: Labels. This should be a dictionary of labels (torch.Tensor) indexed by the output name (str) :type y: Label :return: Dictionary of losses indexed by output name (str) :rtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] """ loss = {k: v(y_hat[k], y[k]) for k, v in self.losses.items()} # Scale loss terms by coefficient if self.config.get("task.aux_loss_coefficient"): for ( output, coefficient, ) in self.config.task.aux_loss_coefficient.items(): loss[output] = coefficient * loss[output] loss["total"] = sum(loss.values()) return loss
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): # sourcery skip: extract-method"Instantiating optimiser...") optimiser = hydra.utils.instantiate(self.config.optimiser)["optimizer"] optimiser = optimiser(self.parameters()) if self.config.get("scheduler"):"Instantiating scheduler...") scheduler = hydra.utils.instantiate( self.config.scheduler, optimiser ) scheduler = OmegaConf.to_container(scheduler) scheduler["scheduler"] = scheduler["scheduler"]( optimizer=optimiser ) optimiser_config = { "optimizer": optimiser, "lr_scheduler": scheduler, }"Optimiser configuration: {optimiser_config}") return optimiser_config return optimiser
def _build_output_decoders(self) -> nn.ModuleDict: """ Instantiate output decoders. Decoders are instantiated from their respective config files. Decoders are stored in :py:class:`nn.ModuleDict`, indexed by output name. :return: ModuleDict of decoders indexed by output name :rtype: nn.ModuleDict """ decoders = nn.ModuleDict() for output_head in self.config.decoder.keys(): cfg = self.config.decoder.get(output_head) f"Building {output_head} decoder. Output dim {cfg.get('out_dim')}" ) decoders[output_head] = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg) return decoders
[docs] def configure_losses( self, loss_dict: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, Callable]: """ Configures losses from config. Returns a dictionary of losses mapping each output name to its respective loss function. :param loss_dict: Config dictionary of losses indexed by output name :type loss_dict: Dict[str, str] :return: Dictionary of losses indexed by output name :rtype: Dict[str, Callable] """ # weight_loss = False # if weight_loss: #"Using class weights to weight loss") # weights = torch.tensor(self.dataset.class_weights).float().cuda() # else: # weights = None return { k: get_loss(v, self.config.task.label_smoothing) for k, v in loss_dict.items() }
[docs] def on_after_batch_transfer( self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch], dataloader_idx: int ) -> Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]: """ Featurise batch **after** it has been transferred to the correct device. :param batch: Batch of data :type batch: Batch :param dataloader_idx: Index of dataloader :type dataloader_idx: int :return: Featurised batch :rtype: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] """ return self.featurise(batch)
[docs] def configure_metrics(self): """ Instantiates metrics from config. Metrics are Torchmetrics Objects :py:class:`torchmetrics.Metric` (see `torchmetrics <>`_) Metrics are set as model attributes as: ``{stage}_{output}_{metric_name}`` (e.g. ``train_residue_type_f1_score``) """ CLASSIFICATION_METRICS: Set[str] = { "f1_score", "auprc", "accuracy", "f1_max", "rocauc", } REGRESSION_METRICS: Set[str] = {"mse", "mae", "r2", "rmse"} CONTINUOUS_OUTPUTS: Set[str] = { "b_factor", "plddt", "pos", "dihedrals", "torsional_noise", } CATEGORICAL_OUTPUTS: Set[str] = {"residue_type"} metric_names = [] for metric_name, metric_conf in self.config.metrics.items(): for output in self.config.task.output: for stage in {"train", "val", "test"}: metric = hydra.utils.instantiate(metric_conf) if output == "residue_type": if metric_name not in {"accuracy", "perplexity"}: continue metric.num_classes = 23 metric.task = "multiclass" # Skip incompatible metrics if ( output in CONTINUOUS_OUTPUTS and metric_name in CLASSIFICATION_METRICS ): f"Skipping classification metric {metric_name} for output {output} as output is continuous" ) continue if ( output in CATEGORICAL_OUTPUTS and metric_name in REGRESSION_METRICS ): f"Skipping regression metric {metric_name} for output {output} as output is categorical" ) continue setattr(self, f"{stage}_{output}_{metric_name}", metric) metric_names.append(f"{metric_name}") setattr(self, "metric_names", metric_names)
[docs] @typechecker def log_metrics( self, loss, y_hat: ModelOutput, y: Label, stage: str, batch: Batch ): """ Logs metrics to logger. :param loss: Dictionary of losses indexed by output name (str) :type loss: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] :param y_hat: Output of model. This should be a dictionary of outputs indexed by the output name (str) :type y_hat: ModelOutput :param y: Labels. This should be a dictionary of labels (torch.Tensor) indexed by the output name (str) :type y: Label :param stage: Stage of training (``"train"``, ``"val"``, ``"test"``) :type stage: str :param batch: Batch of data :type batch: Batch """ # Log losses log_dict = {f"{stage}/loss/{k}": v for k, v in loss.items()} # Log metrics for m in self.metric_names: for output in self.config.task.output: if hasattr(self, f"{stage}_{output}_{m}"): try: metric = getattr(self, f"{stage}_{output}_{m}") pred = y_hat[output] target = y[output] if m == "perplexity": pred = to_dense_batch(pred, batch.batch)[0] target = to_dense_batch( target, batch.batch, fill_value=-100 )[0] # This is a hack for MSE-type metrics which fail on e.g. [4,1] & [4] try: val = metric(pred, target) except RuntimeError: val = metric(pred, target.unsqueeze(-1)) log_dict[f"{stage}/{output}/{m}"] = val except (ValueError, RuntimeError): continue self.log_dict(log_dict, prog_bar=True)
[docs] class BenchMarkModel(BaseModel): def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig) -> None: super().__init__() self.config = cfg # self.encoder = get_protein_encoder(cfg)"Instantiating encoder...") self.encoder: nn.Module = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.encoder)"Instantiating decoders...") self.decoder: nn.ModuleDict = self._build_output_decoders()"Instantiating losses...") self.losses = self.configure_losses(cfg.task.losses)"Using losses: {self.losses}") if self.config.get("task.aux_loss_coefficient"): f"Using aux loss coefficient: {self.config.task.aux_loss_coefficient}" ) else:"Not using aux loss scaling")"Configuring metrics...") self.metrics = self.configure_metrics()"Instantiating featuriser...") self.featuriser: nn.Module = hydra.utils.instantiate(cfg.features)"Instantiating task transform...") self.task_transform = hydra.utils.instantiate( cfg.get("task.transform") ) self.save_hyperparameters() self.example_input_array = self._create_example_batch() def _create_example_batch(self) -> ProteinBatch: """Creates an example batch for model inspection (including featurisation and transformation as specified by the config). :return: Example batch of data, featurised and transformed as specified by the config. :rtype: ProteinBatch """ with torch.no_grad(): proteins = [ get_random_protein() for _ in range(self.config.dataset.datamodule.batch_size) ] for p in proteins: setattr(p, "x", torch.zeros(p.coords.shape[0])) setattr( p, "seq_pos", torch.arange(p.coords.shape[0]).unsqueeze(-1) ) batch = ProteinBatch.from_data_list(proteins) return self.featurise(batch)
[docs] @typechecker def forward(self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch]) -> ModelOutput: """ Implements the forward pass of the model. 1. Apply the model encoder (``self.encoder``) to the batch of data. 2. (Optionally) apply any transformations to the encoder output (:py:meth:`BaseModel.transform_encoder_output`) 3. Iterate over the decoder heads (``self.decoder``) and apply each decoder to the relevant part of the encoder output. 4. (Optionally) apply any post-processing to the model output. (:py:meth:`BaseModel.compute_output`) :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch] :return: Model output. :rtype: ModelOutput """ output: EncoderOutput = self.encoder(batch) output = self.transform_encoder_output(output, batch) if self.decoder is not None: for output_head in self.config.decoder.keys(): if hasattr(self.decoder[output_head], "requires_pos"): output[output_head] = self.decoder[output_head]( edge_index=batch.edge_index, scalar_features=output["node_embedding"], pos=batch.pos, ) else: emb_type = self.decoder[ output_head ].input # node_embedding or graph_embedding output[output_head] = self.decoder[output_head]( output[emb_type] ) return self.compute_output(output, batch)
[docs] @typechecker def transform_encoder_output( self, output: EncoderOutput, batch ) -> EncoderOutput: """ Modifies graph encoder output. - If we are computing edge distances, we concatenate the node embeddings of the two nodes connected by the masked edge. :param output: Encoder output (dictionary mapping output name to the output tensor) :type output: EncoderOutput :param batch: Batch of data :type batch: Batch :return: Encoder output (dictionary mapping output name to the transformed output) """ if "edge_distance" in self.config.decoder.keys(): output["edge_distance"] = [ output["node_embedding"][batch.node_mask[0]], output["node_embedding"][batch.node_mask[1]], ], dim=-1, ) return output
[docs] @typechecker def compute_output(self, output: ModelOutput, batch: Batch) -> ModelOutput: """ Computes output from model output. - For dihedral angle prediction, this involves normalising the 'sin'/'cos' pairs for each angle such that the have norm 1. - For sequence denoising, this masks the output such that we only supervise on the corrupted residues. :param output: Model output (dictionary mapping output name to the output tensor) :type: ModelOutput :param batch: Batch of data :type batch: Batch :return: Model output (dictionary mapping output name to the transformed output) :rtype: ModelOutput """ if "dihedrals" in output.keys(): # Normalize output so each pair of sin(ang) and cos(ang) sum to 1. output["dihedrals"] = F.normalize( output["dihedrals"].view(-1, 3, 2), dim=-1 ).view(-1, 6) # If we have a mask, apply it if hasattr(batch, "sequence_corruption_mask"): output["residue_type"] = output["residue_type"][ batch.sequence_corruption_mask ] return output
@typechecker def _do_step( self, batch: Batch, batch_idx: int, stage: Literal["train", "val", "test"], ) -> torch.Tensor: """Performs a training/validation/test step. 1. Obtains labels from :py:meth:`get_labels` 2. Computes model output :py:meth:`forward` 3. Computes loss :py:meth:`compute_loss` 4. Logs metrics :py:meth:`log_metrics` Returns the total loss. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: int :param stage: Stage of training (``"train"``, ``"val"``, ``"test"``) :type stage: Literal["train", "val", "test"] :return: Loss :rtype: torch.Tensor """ y = self.get_labels(batch) y_hat = self(batch) loss = self.compute_loss(y_hat, y) self.log_metrics(loss, y_hat, y, stage, batch=batch) return loss["total"]
[docs] def training_step( self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch], batch_idx: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Perform training step. 1. Obtains labels from :py:meth:`get_labels` 2. Computes model output :py:meth:`forward` 3. Computes loss :py:meth:`compute_loss` 4. Logs metrics :py:meth:`log_metrics` Returns the total loss. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: int :return: Loss :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return self._do_step(batch, batch_idx, "train")
[docs] def validation_step( self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch], batch_idx: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Perform validation step. 1. Obtains labels from :py:meth:`get_labels` 2. Computes model output :py:meth:`forward` 3. Computes loss :py:meth:`compute_loss` 4. Logs metrics :py:meth:`log_metrics` Returns the total loss. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: int :return: Loss :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return self._do_step(batch, batch_idx, "val")
[docs] def test_step( self, batch: Union[Batch, ProteinBatch], batch_idx: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """Perform test step. 1. Obtains labels from :py:meth:`get_labels` 2. Computes model output :py:meth:`forward` 3. Computes loss :py:meth:`compute_loss` 4. Logs metrics :py:meth:`log_metrics` Returns the total loss. :param batch: Mini-batch of data. :type batch: Batch :param batch_idx: Index of batch. :type batch_idx: int :return: Loss :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return self._do_step(batch, batch_idx, "test")