Source code for proteinworkshop.datasets.utils

# Code source: Patrick Kunzmann
# License: BSD 3 clause

import concurrent.futures
import functools
import os
import os.path
import pathlib
import tarfile
from typing import List, Optional

import biotite.database.rcsb as rcsb
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from import ProteinBatch, get_random_protein
from tqdm import tqdm

from proteinworkshop.features.edge_features import pos_emb
from proteinworkshop.features.node_features import orientations
from proteinworkshop.features.utils import _normalize

[docs] def flatten_dir(dir: os.PathLike): """ Flattens the nested directory structure of a directory into a single level. :param dir: Path to directory :type dir: os.PathLike """ for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(dir): for filename in filenames: try: os.rename( os.path.join(dirpath, filename), os.path.join(dir, filename), ) except OSError: print(f"Could not move {os.path.join(dirpath, filename)}")
[docs] def download_pdb_mmtf( mmtf_dir: pathlib.Path, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, create_tar: bool = False, ): """Download PDB files in MMTF format from RCSB PDB and create archive. MMTF files are downloaded into a new directory in this path and the .tar archive is created here. Obtain all PDB IDs using a query that includes all entries. Each PDB entry has a title. :param mmtf_dir: Path to directory to store MMTF files. :type mmtf_dir: pathlib.Path :param ids: List of PDB IDs to download. :type ids: Optional[List[str]] :param create_tar: Whether to create a .tar archive from the downloaded files. :type create_tar: bool """ ### Download of PDB and archive creation ### # MMTF files are downloaded into a new directory in this path # and the .tar archive is created here # Obtain all PDB IDs using a query that includes all entries # Each PDB entry has a title if ids is None: all_id_query = rcsb.FieldQuery("struct.title") pdb_ids = pdb_ids = [pdb_id.lower() for pdb_id in pdb_ids] # Name for download directory if not os.path.isdir(mmtf_dir): os.mkdir(mmtf_dir) # Download all PDB IDs with parallelized HTTP requests with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: futures = [] num_requests = len(pdb_ids) pbar = tqdm(pdb_ids) for pdb_id in pbar: pbar.set_description( f"Submitting PDB download request for {pdb_id}" ) futures.append( executor.submit(rcsb.fetch, pdb_id, "mmtf", mmtf_dir) ) pbar = tqdm(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures)) for request_index, future in enumerate(pbar): pbar.set_description( f"Waiting for PDB download request #{request_index + 1}/{num_requests} to complete" ) # Wait for the future to complete future.result() if create_tar: # Create .tar archive file from MMTF files in directory with"{mmtf_dir}.tar", mode="w") as file: pbar = tqdm(pdb_ids) for pdb_id in pbar: pbar.set_description( f"Adding downloaded PDB {pdb_id} to {f'{mmtf_dir}.tar'}" ) file.add( os.path.join(mmtf_dir, f"{pdb_id}.mmtf"), f"{pdb_id}.mmtf" )
### File access for analysis ### # Iterate over all files in archive; # Instead of extracting the files from the archive, # the `.tar` file is directly accessed # with"{mmtf_dir}.tar", mode="r") as file: # for member in file.getnames(): # mmtf_file = ## Do some fancy stuff with the data...
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def create_example_batch(n: int = 4) -> ProteinBatch: """Returns a batch of random proteins. :param n: Number of proteins to include in batch. :type n: int, optional :return: Batch of random proteins. :rtype: ProteinBatch """ proteins = [] for _ in range(n): p = get_random_protein() p.x = p.residue_type proteins.append(p) batch = ProteinBatch.from_protein_list(proteins) batch.edges("knn_8", cache="edge_index") batch.edge_index = batch.edge_index.long() batch.pos = batch.coords[:, 1, :] batch.x = F.one_hot(batch.residue_type, num_classes=23).float() batch.x_vector_attr = orientations(batch.pos, batch._slice_dict["coords"]) batch.graph_y = torch.randint(0, 2, (n, 1)) batch.edge_attr = pos_emb(batch.edge_index, 9) batch.edge_vector_attr = _normalize( batch.pos[batch.edge_index[0]] - batch.pos[batch.edge_index[1]] ) return batch